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  • ... has been on the exploration of the intersections between art, critical theory, technology, and political activism. The group has...
  • ... which humanizes technology even while maintaining a critical stance towards it. Or perhaps one can even say that it is her...
  • ... Office of Experiments that develop collaborative, social and critical spaces using art methods and art materials. His work operates...
  • ... Nechvatal’s theoretic output as a systematic onslaught of critical theory. (Halley, Peter Selected Essays 1981-2001, Edgewise... through computational viruses, articulating concerns regarding safety, identity and objectivity. In the introduction to the book...
  • ... the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their critical, ecological, and social-political implications. In the last...
  • ... has made interactive and robotic installations which address critical issues arising at the intersection of culture and technology,...
  • ... and researcher working in the field of Cultural Studies/ Critical Theory and Analysis. He received his PhD. in 2011 from the...
  • ...SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production) focuses on critical themes addressing the effects of global corporate operations, mass...
  • ...My artwork is critical of social, political, and cultural issues. My work often refers to European history and especially the present. For the...
  • ...I am a New Zealander based in Berlin. I've been active in the critical intersection of art and technology since 1998. My projects and the...