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  • ... representation. He take early part on Vienna Group and the Vienna activism and... and the Vienna activism and co-founded Hotel Morphila orchestra. With his ""tele...
  • Kogler born 1959 in Innsbruck, lives and works in Vienna. Studied painting at the Academy of Fine...
  • ... installation for the House of Music Vienna (2002; collaboration with Elisabeth...
  • ... sound and media artist currently based in Vienna. In his artistic practice he uses sound and...
  • ... Class for Interdisciplinary Arts at the Vienna Art School. He is co-founder of...
  • ...Paula Strunden studied architecture in Vienna, Paris and London and worked at Raumlabor Berlin and...
  • ... is the first recipient of the City of Vienna Award for Media Art (2014) and was awarded...
  • ... and in media art with Peter Weibel in Vienna, his work as an independent media artist...
  • ...Station Rose/STR was founded in Vienna, Austria, in 1988 by Gary Danner (sound) and Elisa Rose...
  • ... artist, curator, and educator based in Vienna. She is Senior Artist and Lecturer in the...