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  • John F. Simon, Jr. is an artist who uses programming language as an activated extension of written language. His software programs are displayed on the Web and also on wall-mounted LCD screens. His software compositions never repeat. The beautiful
  • kondition pluriel is an interdisciplinary digital performance group founded by choreographer Marie-Claude Poulin and media artist Martin Kusch in 2000. Integrating body-based performance and digital arts, the artists generate a language outside of
  • Heath Bunting is a British internet artist and activist. His early works include street art, performance, intervention, pirate radio, fax and mail art. In the 1990s, he became one of the co-founders of the movement. Many of his internet and
  • I am a practicing artist based out of Delhi and Baroda, India. My practice draws from preoccupations with technology and how they play a role in shaping politico-cultural narratives in society. My interests trace back to examining the logics, tools
  • I started my artistic career with "SMTV", a unit for a pirate TV station. My works: "Inter Dis Communication Machine", "Seeing is believing" and "PostPet"are specific communication tool series. "Over the Rainbow" --an abstract CG production machine
  • The medium of light transversing a space is the very property that makes space experiential, and therefore 'real'. Julius then might use optical elements such as mirrors and lenses, to add an-other dimension to these physical spaces. Drawing on
  • Jaromil, a free software programmer, performer and emigrant, is the author and maintainer of the GNU GPL'd softwares MuSE, FreeJ and Hasciicam, which allow audio streaming and real-time video manipulation, and of the live distribution dyne:bolic
  • Stenslie Stahl is working on the development of different interface technologies and tools for the digital culture within the fields of art, media and network-research. Lives and works as media artist, curator, scientist and media researcher in Oslo
  • Karsten Schmidt, also known as Toxi, is the director of Post Spectacular, the London-based design studio. At the heart of his practice lies the use of code as a creative tool and open-source technologies. Schmidt believes in building his own tools,
  • Andrea Zapp, born in Germany, is an internationally exhibiting media artist working across many platforms, such as “Networked Installation Stages”, art installations that are mixing and referencing real, virtual and online spaces; “Media, Miniature