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  • ...x de Nijs is a Rotterdam based artist who explores the dynamic clash between bodies, machines and other media. His works include mainly interactively experienced machines that play with the perception and control of image and sound, but also, radical and humorous...
  • ... “Seed”, which invites gallery visitors to enter a sonic minefield and encounter the spiritual world of Islam – revealed via interactive mines and mine detectors! Much of my energy is devoted to striking a balance between a commitment to aesthetic and...
  • ... graphics and electronic and digital imaging in Australia. I continue working as an electronics designer for artist’s interactive projects and other prototype development. Clients include Rebecca Cummings, Robyn Backen and Rea. I have contributed papers...
  • ... about the technology user themselves. Her artwork ranges from game based systems to computer viruses, embodied interfaces to interactive texts; these works are exhibited internationally at venues including the Laboral Art Center, The Whitney Museum of...
  • ... the Ontario Ministry of Culture's Advisory Council on Arts & Culture, ORION (Ontario's high-speed network), SHARCNET, IO (Interactive Ontario), Canadian Women in Communications; i-Canada; is Chair of the Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto Advisory Committee....
  • ... longstanding interest in physical phenomena, in realtime as an example, via Windribbon v4.2., which collates his home-based interactive networkings and orchestrates these monitored instruments soundings. (source:
  • ... of the past. In many of his works, sounds, objects, watercolors and drawings, coded movies, functional architecture and interactive installations create spaces that develop a poetic and conceptual dimension through sensory perception, tactile...
  • ... Festival (Linz), and New Music America (New York City). His most widely exhibited work is Intersection (1993/2019), an interactive sound installation that has been experienced by 700,000 viewers in eight countries. During his performances of video...
  • ... state structures of dialectics that will be produced in the future may derive from self-programming computers. He presents interactive dialectics through the computer, which participate in a philosophical dialogue with the public, remodeling the art of...
  • ... CaixaForum Madrid, STEIM, IRCAM, EMPAC, Stanford CCRMA). An integral part of his practice is the creation and sharing of interactive biophysical instruments using free software and open hardware. Recently, with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation...