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  • ... art, tech fashion/soft circuits/DIY electronics, responsive interfaces and environments, and emerging media curating. Maker of...
  • ... the permanent collections of MIDE. She is member of Cultural Interfaces, Art & New Media Research Group, led by Jose R. Alcalá...
  • ... and artificial systems, her research focuses human-computer interfaces: she develops body-space integrating systems for intractive...
  • ... shown at the Wellcome Trust Headquarters in a show called, Brains: Mind as Matter. The show also went onto MOSI in Manchester....
  • ... ranges from game based systems to computer viruses, embodied interfaces to interactive texts; these works are exhibited...
  • ...Hamilton Mestizo work primarily explores the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their critical, ecological, and social-political...
  • ... Hiroshi’s research focuses upon the design of seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical...
  • ... on the design, development, and evaluation of intuitive user interfaces and input modalities enabling a more natural and...
  • ... and scenographies, for which it develops its own software and interfaces. Its four members (Manuel Abendroth, Jerome Decock,...
  • ... implications of media technology and human computer interfaces. His interactive installations and artworks, including...