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  • ...Nijholt, Anton. Brain Art: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression. Enschede, The Netherlands: Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2019. Nijholt, Anton. Brain Art: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression. Enschede, The Netherlands: Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2019.
  • ...Pearlman,Ellen. Noor: A Brain Opera Worlding the Brain Symposium (November 2017).
  • Brain Wave
    ...Ann Landi. Brain Wave ARTnews (June 2009): 92-93.
  • ...George, Frank Honywill. The Brain as a Computer. Oxford-London-Paris-Frankfurt: Pergamon Press, 1962.
  • ...Pearlman,Ellen. The Brain As A Reintrpretation Device Sounds, Image, Data-NYU Steinhardt/Goldsmiths/Leonardo (July 2015).
  • ...Pearlman,Ellen. The Brain As A Hackable Driver International Society For Electronic Art (ISEA),Vancouver (August 2015).
  • ...Ellen Pearlman. The brain as a hackable driver
  • ...Ellen Pearlman. The brain as a hackable driver
  • ...Prix Ars Electronica 1992 / Jury Statement / Interactive Art. Hme of the Brain [].
  • ...Prix Ars Electronica 1992 / Jury Statement / Interactive Art. Ome of the Brain [].