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  • Plewe, Daniela Alina. Ultima Ratio as Media Theatre - Beyond Moving Skin In Global Heros, Theater zwischen Medialität und Theatralität, edited by Martina LeekerBerlin: Alexander Verlag, 2001.
  • Lindner, Martin. Kunst im Gentech-Zoo Gegenworte. Zeitschrift für den Disput über Wissen 9 (Spring 2002): 71-74.
  • Kusahara, Machiko. Presence, Abscence and Knowledge, in: Telerobotic Art In The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Teleepistemology in the Age of the Internet, edited by Ken Goldberg, 198-212. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.
  • Lyall, Marta. Traversing the Wilderness of Body In Shifting Ground: Transformed Views of the American Landscape, edited by Rhonda Lane HowardWashington DC: Henry Art Gallery and University of Washington, 2000.
  • Huang, Jeffrey and Muriel Waldvogel. Interactive Wallpaper In ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 - Electronic Art and Animation Catalog, ACM New York: 2005.
  • Tauti, Lorenzo. Corpi sognanti. L'arte nell'epoca delle tecnologie digitali. Milano, IT: Feltrinelli Editore, 2001.
  • Brouwer, Joke and Arjen Mulder and Scott et. al. Lash. Making Art of Databases. Rotterdam, NL: NAi Publishers, 2003.
  • Manovich, Lev and Arjen Mulder. "Metadating" the Image In Making Art of Databases, edited by Joke BrouwerRotterdam, NL: V2_ Publishers, 2003.
  • Massumi, Brian and Rafael et. al. Lozano-Hemmer. Urban Appointment: A Possible Rendezvous With The City In Making Art of Databases, edited by Joke Brouwer and Arjen Mulder, 28-55. Rotterdam, NL: V2_ Publishers, 2003.
  • Nestelbacher, Reinhard. Green or How a Light Turns the World Upside Down / Green oder wie ein Licht die Welt verdreht In Ars Electronica 2001: TAKEOVER - Who´s Doing the Art of Tomorrow? / Wer macht die Kunst von morgen?, edited by Gerfried