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  • Porter, Steven. Journey into VR Computer Graphics World 16, no. 10 (1996): 59-60.
  • Preece, Jenny and Yvonne Rogers and Helen Sharp. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2002.
  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. CAT - Communication, Art and Technology In Global@home: Informations- und Dienstleistungsstrukturen der Zukunft, edited by Herbert KubicekJahrbuch Telekommunikaton und Gesellschaft, Heidelberg: Hüthig
  • Prince, Patric D.. Interacting with "Machine Culture" IEEE Computer Graphics 13, no. 5 (September/October 1993): 4-8.
  • Porter, Stephen M.. Expanding the VR Aesthetic Computer Graphics World 19, no. 7 (July 1996): 4.
  • Spiller, Neil, ed. Cyber Reader: Critical Writings for the Digital Era. London, UK: Phaidon Press, 2002.
  • Dove, Toni. Haunting the Movie In New Visions in Performance: The Impact of Digital Technologies, edited by Gavin Carver and Colin Beardon, 195pp.. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers, 2004.
  • Paik, Nam June. Brief an Dr. Steinecke In Niederschriften eines Kulturnomaden. Aphorismen. Briefe. Texte, edited by Edith Decker, 51-53. Köln: DuMont, 1992.
  • Pijnappel, Johan. Jeffrey Shaw. The Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe. An Interview Art and Design Profile 39 (1994): 70-79.
  • Fujimura, Noriyuki. Public Communication Sculpture In CAST01 Conference Bonn, Bonn, DE: 2001.