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...Weibel, Peter. Techno-Transformation und terminale Identität In Telematik. Netz Moderne Navigatoren, edited by Jeannot Simmen, 9-15. Köln, DE: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2002.
...Shanken, Edward A.. Virtual Perspective and the Artistic Vision: A Genealogy of Technology, Perception, and Power In ISEA´96 - Proceedings of International Society for Electronic Art, edited by Michael B. Roetto, 57-63. Rotterdam, NL: 1997.
...Weibel, Peter. Einleitung In Kunst ohne Unikat: Multiple und Sampling als Medium: Techno-Transformationen der Kunst, edited by Peter Weibel, 9-10. Köln: Walther König Verlag, 1999.
...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Trans Plant In Imagination - Images and Technology Gallery Exhibition Theme I, edited by T. MoriyamaTokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum Of Photography, 1995.
...Charrel, Agnés. Tierra network version In ATR Technical Report TR-H-145, : 1995.
...Davies, Char. Techne as poiesis: Seeking Virtual Ground edited by Roy Ascott, 28. : University of Wales, Newport, 1997.
... Problems and Synergetic Effects of an Interdisciplinary Collaboration In Proceedings of MTAC 2001, Multimedia Technology and Applications, UC Irvine, , 255-260. Irvine, CA: 2001.
...Zapp, Andrea. Networked Narrative Environments In ACM Siggraph Computer Graphics Conference/Networked Performance: How Does Art Affect Technology and Vice Versa, Los Angeles, CA: 2005.
... as Imaginary Spaces of Being. Manchester, Liverpool: Manchester Metropolitan University and Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, FACT, 2004.
...Bardini, Thierry. Quand la l´imaginaire devient realite virtuelle: Á props de myth entourant les technologies du virtuel Interface: La Revue de la Recherche (January 1996).