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Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Shades of Virtuality : From Virtual Reality to Mixed Reality - From Beeing to Becoming Virtualities and Realities Acoustic Space, no. 17 (May 2019): 51 - 57.
Smite, Rasa and Raitis Smits, ed. Virtualities and Realities - New Experiences, Art and Ecologics in Immersive Environments. Vol.17. ISBN 978-9934-8434-7-1, Acoustic Space th ed.Riga: RIXC Center for New Media Culture, 2019.
Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Shades of Virtuality : From Virtual Reality to Mixed Reality - From Beeing to Becoming Virtualities and Realities Acoustic Space, no. 17 (May 2019): 51 - 57.
Gianetti, Claudia. Ästhetik des Digitalen. Vol.1. SBN 3-211-00571-4, 1 th ed.ien Ney York: Springer Wien Ney York, 2002.
Weibel, Peter, ed. Vom Tafelbild zum globalen Datenraum Edition ZKM Hatje Kanz Ostfildern 2001 ISBN 3-7757-1977-9. Vol.1. ISBN 3-7757-1977-9, Edition ZKM th ed.Ostfildern: Hatje Kanz, 2001.
Fleischmann, Monika. Die Spur des Betrachters im Bild Vom Tafelbild zum globalen Datenraum 1, no. ISBN 3-7757-1077-9 (June 2001): 138 - 149.
Fleischmann, Monika. Die Spur des Betrachters im Bild Vom Tafelbild zum globalen Datenraum 1, no. ISBN 3-7757-1077-9 (June 2001): 138 - 149.
La Ferla, Jorge, ed. La Ferla, Jorge Contaminationes Universidad del Buenos Aires 1997. Vol.1. 1 th ed.Buenos Aires: Universidad del Buenos Aires, 1997.
Miekus, Krzysztof and Karolina Koriat, ed. Performing Data. ISBN 978-83-61587-55-2, Gdansk: LAZNIA Cultural Center for Contemporary Art, 2011.
Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. The House of Illusion Extending the boundaries of Space Added Value of Computer Aided Architectural Design 1, no. ISBN 90- 76101-01-9 (Feb 1997): 53-57.