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  • ...Von Amelunxen, Hubertus and Florian Rötzer, ed. Photography after the Photography. Memory and Representation in the Digital Age. Amsterdam: Art Stock, 1996.
  • ...Legrady, George and Brigitte Steinheider. Realizing a Digital Media Installations: Problems and Synergetic Effects of an Interdisciplinary Collaboration In Proceedings of MTAC 2001, Multimedia Technology and Applications, UC Irvine, , 255-260. Irvine, CA: 2001.
  • ...Brew, Kathy. Digital Portfolio Civilization: Magazine of the Library of Congress (Oct.-Nov. 1998): 79.
  • ...Zapp, Andrea. Private Views - the Role of the Viewer in Networked Digital Models of Narration In De la Pantalla al Arte Transgénico, edited by Jorge La Ferla, 186-192. Buenos Aires: Libros Del Rojas, Universidad Buenos Aires, 2000.
  • ...Cobb, Jennifer. Cybergrace: The Search for God in the Digital World. New York: Crown Publishing Group, 1998.
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Schnittflächen der Politik In digital arts edition 2. Dennis Del Favero: Cross Currents, edited by Nikos PapasterigiadisVol.2. ZKM Digital Arts Edition, , 6. Karlsruhe, Graz: Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie and Neue Galerie, Graz, 1999.
  • ...Ascott, Roy. Das digitale Museum / The Digital Museum In Perspektiven der Medienkunst / Media Art Perspectives, edited by H. Schwartz, 76-83, 183-189. Karlsruhe, Deutschland: Cantz Verlag, 1996.
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Die Ästhetik der digitalen Kunst In Computerkunst, edited by Kulturverband FavoritenWien: 1985.
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Die digitale Bildrevolution In Leuchtspuren. Holographie, Licht und Computer. Kampnagelfabrik, Halle O, Hamburg vom 23.3. bis 5.5.1985, edited by Gabriele Juschka-KaiserHamburg, DE: Rheinland-Verlag, 1985.
  • ...Grau, Oliver and Ulrike Reinhard. Datenbank für Virtuelle Kunst In Digitale Transformationen. Medienkunst als Schnittstelle von Kunst, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, edited by Monika Fleischmann, 207-209. Heidelberg: Whois Verlag, 2004.