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Benayoun, Maurice. On Line, Life Line, Art Shifts e-what, Conquest of Time (April 2002).
Ascott, Roy. Keine einfache Materie. Der Künstler als Medienproduzent in einem Universum der komplexen Systeme In INTERFACE, elektronische Medien und künstlerische Kreativität, edited by Klaus Peter Denker, 75-79. Hamburg: Hans Breslaw Institut,
Ascott, Roy. The Art of Intelligent Systems In Der Prix Ars Electronica, edited by Johannes Leopoldseder, 25-33. Linz: Veritas-Verlag, 1992.
Ascott, Roy. Cultivando o hipercórtex In A Arte no Século XXI: A humanização das technologias, edited by Diana Domingues, 336-344. Sao Paulo: University of São Paulo, 1997.
Blase, Christoph and Margaret Morse. Hardware, Software, ARTwear. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1998.
Weibel, Peter. Machine Experienced Space Series of Philosophy of Art and Art Theory 14 (1999): 157-171.
Domingues, Diana. A Arte no Século XXI: a humanização das tecnologias. São Paulo, BR: Editora UNESP, 1997.