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...Andres Burbano. Leonardo Global Crossings Award-Nominated Artist Statement
...Andres Burbano. Report of the project" Inventions on the edges of history" ARTNODES (NOVEMBER 2013): 56-61.
... Daniel and Luis Blackaller and Manuel Orellana Sandoval and Andres Jurado and Andres Burbano. Catálogos Razonados: Artes Medievales Convergencias y Tecnologías. Idartes (2014).
...Andres E Burbano and Esteban García. Desxiframent del codi navajo amb Bill Toledo Artnodes: revista d'art, ciència i tecnologia (2015).
...Andrés Burbano and Esteban García Bravo. Konrad Zuse: enabler of computational arts? Archiving and Questioning Immateriality , no. 190 (2016).
...Cox, Donna J. and Ellen Sandor and Janine Fron. New Media Futures. The Rise of Women in the Digital Arts. Urbana, Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2018.
...Sandor, Ellen and Janine Fron. Artists Team Up for the Future: Behind the Scenes of Making Art in the 21st Century (art)n web site (2002).
...Hauser, Jens. Biomediality and Art In Recomposing Art and Science: Artists-in-Labs, edited by Irene Hediger and Jill Scott, 201-219. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.
...Hauser, Jens. Rehabilitating Bacteria: A Contemporary Art/Science Interface In Shifting Interfaces : Presence and Relationality in New Media Arts of the Early 21st Century, edited by Hava AldoubyLeuven: Leuven University Press, 2019.
...Hauser, Jens. Leuchtgehirne, Bakteriengoldgräber und DNA-Photoshopping: Kunst mit Biomedien und jenseits der Artengrenzen In Möglichkeit Mensch: Körper | Sphären | Apparaturen Möglichkeit Mensch: Körper, Sphären, Apparaturen: künstlerische und wissenschaftliche...