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  • Fischnaller, Franz. Lautriv Chromagnon In Venezia1995, edited by Christine Schoepf Hannes Leopoldseder, 47-48. Palermo, Italy: Editore L´Epos Palermo, 1995.
  • Hershman, Lynn. Room of One´s Own - Slightly Behind The Scenes In Iterations: the New Image, edited by Timothy Druckery, 150-156. Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 1994.
  • Sakane, Itsuo. Durch Interaktive Kunst zur Selbsterkenntnis In Künstliche Spiele, edited by Florian Rötzer and Stefan Iglhaut and Georg Hartwagner, 93. München: Boer Verlag, 1993.
  • Sakane, Itsuo. Introduction to Interactive Art In Wonderland of Science-Art (Comittee for Kanawaga International Art and Science Exhibition), , 3. Kanagawa, Japan: 1989.
  • Penny, Simon. Pittura Culta: Current Italian Neoclassicism Art Network (1985).