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  • Fleischmann, Monika and Jasminko Novak and WolfgangAND Kaliva Strauss and Predrag Peranovic. On-line and on-site on equal terms I3 magazine The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces , no. 7 (2000).
  • Krüger, Wolfgang and Christian Bohn and Monika Fleischmann. Through Artificial Neural Networks into Virtual Realities In Proceedings of "International Conference on Applied Synergetics and Synergetic Engineering (ICASSE 94)", Erlangen, Germany,
  • Goldberg, Ken and Karl Bohringer and Ron Fearing. MicroAssembly In Handbook of Industrial Robotics, edited by S. NofHoboken, NY: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1999.
  • Goldberg, Ken and John Canny. A RISC Approach to Sensing and Manipulation In Robotics Research, edited by Richard Paul and Georges GiraltStanford, CA: IFFR, 1993.
  • Goldberg, Ken and Dezhen Song. ShareCam Part I: Interface, System Architecture, and Implementation of a Collaboratively Controlled Robotic Webcam In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems, edited by California Univ. Dept. of
  • Goldberg, Ken and Dezhen Song. The Co-Opticon: Shared Access to a Robotic Streaming Video Camera In ACM MultiMedia Conference, Berkeley, November 2003, Berkeley, CA: 2003.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Creating Artificial Life for Interactive Art and Entertainment Leonardo 34, no. 4 (August 2001): 303-307.
  • Sommerer, Christa. Collaboration between the Arts and the Sciences In Ars Electronica Center - Museum of the Future, , 120-125. Linz: Linz Landesverlag, 1996.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Ars Electronica 1993 - Genetische Kunst - Künstlisches Leben / Genetic Art - Artificial Life, edited by Karl Gerbel and Peter Weibel, 408-414. Vienna: PVS Verleger, 1993.
  • Goldberg, Ken and Michael Mascha and Steven Gentner and Rossman Jürgen and Nick Rothenberg and Carl Sutter and Jeff Wiegley. Beyond the Web: Excavating the Real World via Mosaic In Second International WWW Conference, Chicago, IL, : 1994.