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Petrešin, Nataša and Barbara Rupel. Uršula Berlot: Prehodnost/Transitoriness Kostanjevica na Krki: Gallery Božidar Jakac (2006).
.. ART’FAB: L’art-La femme-L’Europe. Saint-Tropez, Paris: Terrail . (2006).
.. KulturKontakt One year After – Artists in Residence 2005. Vienna: KulturKontakt . (2006).
Španjol, Igor and Nataša Petrešin. Uršula Berlot: Attractions (exhibition catalogue) Ribnica: Gallery Miklova hiša (2005).
Kostić, Aleksandra (ed.) and Peter Tomaž (ed.) Dobrila. Eye Try: Slovene contemporary visual art in the Vision Centre Cork, European Cultural Capital 2005 (a catalogue of an exhibition) Tox, 10/12. Maribor: Association for Culture and Education...
Zabel, Igor. Slovene Art 1995 – 2005: Territories, Identities, Nets Ljubljana: Museum of Modern Art (2005).
Zabel, Igor and Zdenka Badovinac. Towards Zero Gravity. Težnost v slovenski likovni umetnosti 20. in 21. stoletja/Gravity in Slovene Fine Art in the 20th and 21st Centuries Ljubljana: Museum of Modern Art (2005).
Vignjević, Tomaž. Spiele des Lichts. Die Malerei Uršula Berlot V: KulturKontakt 01/2005. Dunaj: KulturKontakt (2005).
Bašin, Miloš (ed.). Preseženi slikovni okvir: slike/Beyond the Frame: Paintings, 1962-2004, Bežigrajska Gallery 2, Ljubljana, 17th of November 2004 – 12th of January 2005 (2004).
Pregl Kobe, Tatjana. Uršula Berlot: Pretakanje svetlobe/Decantation of Light, 28. 10 – 18. 11. 2003 Nova Gorica: Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica (2003).