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Kuang-ying Kuo, Gwen. From Pupa to Eve Clone: Lin Pey-Chwen Empowering Feminity Taiwan Digital Art and Information Center (2014).
Hsiao-chiu, Lai. Revelation -Notification: Research Solo Exhibitionby Lin Pey-Chwen
Dr. Turner, Ming. Quasi-skin and post-human: Lin Pey-Chwen´s Eve Clones (2010-2011) n.paradoxa international feminist art journal 30 (2012): 33-39.
Cheng-yu, Pan. The Gaze from the Apocalypse Art Accrediting, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts , no. 67 (2016).
Hongjohn, Lin. Interpassivity within a Clone Artist Magazine (September 2011): 410-411.
Tseng, Jane. The Birth of Eve Clone - Technological Satire of a Genetic Reproduction Laboratory Art Appreciation (2011): 61-63.
Yeh, C. J.. Is Life Beautiful? On Lin Pey-Chwen´s Anti-Tech Tech Art Ming Chuan - Magazine (2011): 53-56.
Andrew Blauvelt, ed. HIPPIE MODERNISM: THE STRUGGLE FOR UTOPIA. Minnesota: Walker Art Center, 2015.
Siri Engberg, ed. FROM HERE TO THERE: ALEC SOTH'S AMERICA. Minnesota: Walker Art Center, 2010.
Vincenzo de Bellis and Caroline Dumalin, ed. MARIO GARCÍA TORRES: ILLUSION BROUGHT ME HERE. Minnesota: Walker Art Center, 2019.