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Hauser, Jens. Bios, techne, logos: un art très contemporain Inter 94 (2006): 14-19.
Hauser, Jens. Disentangling Aliveness, Naturalness and Greenness In The New State of The Living, edited by Dmitry BulatovPerm: The Museum of Contemporary Art PERMM, 2019.
Hauser, Jens. Rehabilitating Bacteria: A Contemporary Art/Science Interface In Shifting Interfaces : Presence and Relationality in New Media Arts of the Early 21st Century, edited by Hava AldoubyLeuven: Leuven University Press, 2019.
Hauser, Jens. Art between Synthetic Biology and Biohacking: Searching for Media Adequacy in the Epistemological Turn Leonardo Electronic Almanac 22, no. 1 (2018): 128-136.
Hauser, Jens and Ingeborg Reichle and Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. Synthetisch: Biologie und Kunst In Experimentalität: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger im Gespräch über Labor, Atelier und Archiv, edited by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, 94-103. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos,...
Hauser, Jens. Art and Agency in Times of Wetware In Les paradoxes du vivant = The paradoxes of the living: |Les paradoxes du vivant = The paradoxes of the livingThe Paradoxes of the Living, edited by CollectifVol.04. Stream, , 263-269. Paris: PCA...
Hauser, Jens. Leuchtgehirne, Bakteriengoldgräber und DNA-Photoshopping: Kunst mit Biomedien und jenseits der Artengrenzen In Möglichkeit Mensch: Körper | Sphären | Apparaturen Möglichkeit Mensch: Körper, Sphären, Apparaturen: künstlerische und...
Parker, Kayla and Stuart Moore. Framing memory: return to the zone AVANCA | CINEMA 2018 (July 2018): 103-108.
Moore, Stuart and Kayla Parker. Father-land Layers of Visibility (October 2018): 79 to 90.