Archive Search

  • ...Weibel, Peter. The Earth as Brainwork In Artificial Intelligence in the Arts, edited by Richard Kriesche, 104-105. Graz: 1985.
  • ... Soil Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology 42, no. 4 (2009).
  • TrashMedia
    ... Direcció General de Promoció Cultural, Museus i Belles Arts de la Generalitat Valenciana; S AA Purgatori y RedArte, 1998.
  • ...Centre de Arts Actuels Skol, ed. L´installation. Pistes et Territoires. Montreal: Skol, 1997.
  • ... ´98, International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, , 21. Orlando: 1998.
  • ...Kac, Eduardo. Eduardo Kac: Dialogues Dialogue: Arts in the Midwest 18, no. 1 (Jan/Feb 1995): 14-16.
  • ... Cyberformance and the Cyberstage International Journal of the Arts in Society 6, no. 4 (2011).
  • ... Mimesis Ljubljana: Research Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana (2011).
  • ... Conference, Ionian University, Department of Audio & Visual Arts: Corfu, Greece (2017): 229-236.
  • ... Rigid Waves, Liquid Views In InterCommunication Catalogue, Interactive Art, edited by ICCTokyo, Japan: NTT Publishing Co., ...