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Reinhuber, Elke. Augmented Reality and how to access archived media art a counterfactual media art exhibition International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM) (2014): 287-294.
Reinhuber, Elke and Benjamin Seide and Ross Williams. The Scale of Immersion : Different audio-visual experiences exemplified by the 360° video Secret Detours Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (July 2018): 236-243.
Rochallyi, Radoslav. The World Pretends to Be Burning Mantis, Stanford Journal , no. 19 (2021): 128.
Kusch, Martin. Body, Space, Movement and Interactive Technologies in the Performance-Installation Passage In Interface Cultures, edited by C. Sommerer and D. King and L. Mignonneau, 237-243. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2008.
Kusch, Martin. Passage- A hybrid between interactive installation and performance In New realities: Being Syncretic, edited by R. Ascott and G. Bast and M. Jahrmann and R. Schnell, 174-178. Vienna: Springer, 2009.
Poulin, Marie-Claude. Sensing the links- Creating art work with new media and dance In Program to Perform- Exploring Dance and New Media, edited by I. Berg and A. Hansen, 86-92. Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design and Dance Information