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Goldberg, Ken and Dezhen Song and Anatoly Pashkevich. ShareCam Part II: Approximate and Distributed Algorithms for a Collaboratively Controlled Robotic Webcam In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems, October 2003, : 2003.
Goldberg, Ken and D. Song and Y. Khor and D. Pescovitz and Levandowski, A. and J. Himmelstein and J. et. al. Shih. Collaborative Online Teleoperation with Spatial Dynamic Voting and a Human ``Tele-Actor'' In EEE ICRA 2002, Washington, CD. May
Goldberg, Ken and Barak Pearlmutter. Using Backpropagation with Temporal Windows to Learn the Dynamics of the CMU Direct-Drive Arm In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1988.
Goldberg, Ken. Feeding and Sorting Algorithms for the Parallel-Jaw Gripper In Robotics Research, edited by Richard Paul and Georges GiraltStanford, CA: International Foundation for Robotics Research IFRR, 1993.
Goldberg, Ken. Completeness in Robot Motion Planning In Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, edited by Ken et. al. GoldbergVol.1. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotic Series, Wellesley, MA: A. K. Peters, 1995.
Hales, Chris. New Paradigms = New Movies, Interactive Film and New Narrative Interfaces In New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative, edited by Martin Rieser and Andrea ZappKarlsruhe: ZKM and BFI London, 2002.
Hamlett, Sian; Prophet, Jane. Sordid Sites: Voyeurism and Exhibitionism in the Internal Organs of a Cyborg FELIX Magasine: Voyeurism Issue (2000).
Hartwagner, Georg and Stefan Iglhaut and Florian Rötzer, ed. Künstliche Spiele. Grafrath, DE: Boer Verlag, 1993.
Hershman, Lynn. Touch-Sensitivity and Other Forms of Subversion: Interactive Artwork Leonardo 26, no. 5 (1993): 431-436.
Hershman, Lynn. Room of One´s Own - Slightly Behind The Scenes In Iterations: the New Image, edited by Timothy Druckery, 150-156. Cambridge, London: MIT Press, 1994.