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  • ...Prix Ars Electronica 1992 / Jury Statement / Interactive Art. Hme of the Brain [].
  • ...Prix Ars Electronica 1992 / Jury Statement / Interactive Art. Ome of the Brain [].
  • ... Cyborg Is a Verb In International Directory of the Electronic Arts / Guide International des Arts Electroniques, edited by A....
  • ... In Dennis Del Favero: Cross Currents - ZKM Digital Arts Edition 2, edited by ZKM KarlsruheVol.2. Zkm digital arts...
  • ...Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, ed. Gravicells - Gravity and Resistance. Yagamuchi, JP: Yagamuchi Center for Arts and Media, 2004.
  • ...Foundation, Daniel Langlois and Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, ed. e-art: New Technologies and Contemporary Art. Montreal: The Montreal Museum...
  • ...MiRAA Mixed Reality Academy for the Arts. MiRAA IN CONVERSATION with VR artists Tamiko Thiel and Eduardo Kac...
  • Osmose
    ...Davies, Char. Osmose Nov'Art: Les états généraux de l'écriture interactive (February 1997): 34-37.
  • ...chot, Edmond. Between Trance and Algorithm In Trans-E: My Body, My Blood: Interactive Installation, edited by Diana Domingues: Universidade de...
  • Metamediji
    ... Centar za savremenu umetnost [Center for Contemporary Arts], 2001.