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Lavoslava Benčić. Graphical sound - from inception up to the masterpieces. In: ERCAN, Burçin (ed.). Musicult '16 : III. International Music and Culture Studies Conference proceedings (May 2016): 64-68.
Lavoslava Benčić and Silva Požlep. Convivio - Interaktivni dizajn na pohodu : trimesečnik o likovni umetnosti, arhitekturi, oblikovanju in fotografiji. 06 (2004): vii-viii.
Lavoslava Benčić. Slovenian parks : changing heart and mind through motion picture Master Thesis, Midlesex University, London, London, 2008.
Lavoslava Benčić. Virtualna tematska pot Emil Benčić, od izkušenj do neskončnosti : tehnološke in teoretične podlage produkcije novomedijskega projekta Master Thesis, Schol of Arts, Nova Gorica,
Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau and Roberto Lopez-Gulliver. Time_lapse: an immersive interactive environment based on historic stereo images IEEE SMC'99 System Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings (1999).
Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau and Roberto Lopez-Gulliver. Time_lapse: an immersive interactive environment based on historic stereo images IEEE SMC'99 System Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings (1999).
Strom, Jordan. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol. Canada: Heritage House Publishing and Surrey Art Gallery, 2020.
Strom, Jordan. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol. Canada: Heritage House Publishing and Surrey Art Gallery, 2020.
Strom, Jordan. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol. Canada: Heritage House Publishing and Surrey Art Gallery, 2020.
Strom, Jordan. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol. Canada: Heritage House Publishing and Surrey Art Gallery, 2020.