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Sandhofer, Margareta. Naturlistische Ironie [Naturalistic Irony] (November 2011).
Kacunko, Slavko. Österreich. Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen, Datenerfassung und Telekommunikation. Weibel, Kriesche, Adrian, Mark, Tanterl, Ruprechter, Schnell In Closed Circuit Videoinstallationen, edited by Slavko KacunkoBerlin: Logos, 2004.
McGarrigle, Conor. Art in the Data City In Digital Art in Ireland, edited by James O'Sullivan, 46-58. New York: Anthem Press, 2021.
McGarrigle, Conor and Noel Fitzpatrick. Real Smart (Data) City. Le colonialisme par des données In Le Nouveau Génie Urbain, edited by Bernard StieglerParis: FYP Éditions, 2020.
McGarrigle, Conor and Marisa Lerer. Art in the Age of Financial Crisis Visual Resources 34, no. 1-2 (2018): 1-12.
Moore, Lila and Owen Fender. Sentient: A Social Media Environment as a Conscious Living System Proceedings of EVA London 2021 (July 2021): 247-253.
GALERIA AZUR. Subasta de Grandes Maestros PINTURA | OBRA GRÁFICA | ESCULTURA (Auction Catalog - September). Buenos Aires: GALERIA AZUR, 2020.
McGarrigle, Conor. Augmented Interventions: Re-defining Urban Interventions with AR and Open Data In Augmented Reality Art: From an Emerging Technology to a Novel Creative Medium, edited by Vladimir Geroimenko, 115-130. Cham: Springer, 2018.
GALERIA AZUR. Subasta de Grandes Maestros PINTURA | OBRA GRÁFICA | ESCULTURA (Auction Catalog). Buenos Aires: GALERIA AZUR, 2020.
GALERIA AZUR. Subasta de Grandes Maestros PINTURA | OBRA GRÁFICA | ESCULTURA (Auction Catalog). Buenos Aires: GALERIA AZUR, 2020.