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  • ...Hattinger, Gottfried, ed. Reihe Video Kunst., 2004 th ed.Linz, Austria: Landesgalerie Linz, 2004.
  • ...Albuquerque, Beatriz. Video-games + Interaction = Skills Development In The Growth of Art Anthology, edited by Nisha PatelNew York: Teachers... + Interaction = Skills Development In The Growth of Art Anthology, edited by Nisha PatelNew York: Teachers College,...
  • ...Cubitt, Sean. Videography: Video Media as Art and Culture. Communications and Culture, London: Macmillan Education, 1993. Cubitt, Sean. Videography: Video Media as Art and Culture. Communications and Culture, London: Macmillan Education, 1993.
  • ...Whitney, John. Computer Art for the Video Picture Wall Art International XV, no. 7 (September 20th 1971): 35-38. Whitney, John. Computer Art for the Video Picture Wall Art International XV, no. 7 (September 20th 1971): 35-38.
  • ...Penny, Simon. Video Installation by Bill Viola Artlink (March 1989). Penny, Simon. Video Installation by Bill Viola Artlink (March 1989).
  • ...World Wide Video Festival, ed. World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue 13th. 1995 th ed.Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Wide Video Festival, 1995.
  • ...World Wide Video Festival, ed. World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue 14th. 1996 th ed.Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Wide Video Festival, 1996.
  • Baigorri, Laura. Vídeo digital de creación. Manual Universitario. Barcelona, Spain: Universidad Oberta de Catalunya UOC, 2004.
  • ...Del Favero, Dennis. Deep Sleep, DVD-ROM/DVD-Video. iCinema Monograph Series, : iCinema Monograph Series, 2004.
  • ...World Wide Video Festival, ed. World Wide Video Festival, Catalogue 16th. Vol.16th. 2000 th ed.Amsterdam, The Netherlands: World Wide Video...