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  • ...Akira, Nakajima. MIC Exploration Space Nihon Kezei Shinbun (May 1996).
  • ...Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. The Art of the Thinking Space In Digital Creativity, edited by Anthony BrooksVol.31:3. DOI: 10.1080/14626268.2020.1782945, , 156-170. London: Routledge, 2020.
  • ...Kusahara, Machiko. A Topology of Body and Space In The Museum Inside The Network, edited by ICC/NTTTokyo, JP: ICC/NTT Publishing, 1995.
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. MIC Exploration Space In Siggraph’96 Visual Proceedings, New York: ACM, 1996.
  • ...Ippolitov Arcady. “Metamorphoses…”, in "Hybrid Space". St Petersburg, Russia: The Petersburg foundation for culture and the arts “PRO ARTE Institute”, State Russian Museum of Arctic and Antarctic, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002.
  • ...Clanes, Manfred and Nathan S. Kline. Cyborgs and Space Astronautics (September 1960): 26 - 27 and 74-76.
  • ...Dave, Everitt and Fania Raczinski. Personal Space code::art::0 (January 2019).
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Machine Experienced Space Series of Philosophy of Art and Art Theory 14 (1999): 157-171.
  • ...Rose, Frank. Space Odyssey: Making Art Up There New York Times (23, March 2017).
  • ...Rose, Frank. Space Odyssey: Making Art Up There New York Times (23, March 2017).