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  • ...Grond, F. and C. Robles. INTERMITTENT – a Generative Audio-Visual Installation. Performative Science and Beyond, Involving Process in Research,...
  • ...Grond, F. and C. Robles. INTERMITTENT – a Generative Audio-Visual Installation. Performative Science and Beyond, Involving Process in Research,...
  • ...Kusch, Martin. Passage- A hybrid between interactive installation and performance In New realities: Being Syncretic, edited by R. Ascott and ... Kusch, Martin. Passage- A hybrid between interactive installation and performance In New realities: Being Syncretic, edited by R. Ascott and ...
  • ... In Digital Synesthesia - A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital Art, edited by Katharina Gsöllpointner and Ruth Schnell and Romana... Kusch, Martin and Marie-Claude Poulin. Diver: a cyber-kinesthetic installation In Digital Synesthesia - A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital...
  • ...Daniela Alina Plewe. Ultima Ratio. Software und Interaktive Installation In Ars Electronica 98: Infowar: Information, Macht, Krieg, edited by...
  • ...ommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. PICO_SCAN - Interactive Computer Installation In 7 Hills: Images and Signs of the 21st Century, edited...
  • ... Thoughts on Video Installation In Interface: Nordic Video Art, edited by Pål Wrange, 18-23. Stockholm: Stiftelsen Nordisk... Huhtamo, Erkki. Twenty Fragmentary Thoughts on Video Installation In Interface: Nordic Video Art, edited by Pål Wrange, 18-23. Stockholm:...
  • ...Penny, Simon. Video Installation by Bill Viola Artlink (March 1989). Penny, Simon. Video Installation by Bill Viola Artlink (March 1989).
  • ... Marc Cavazza and Remi Chaignon. An Emotionally Responsive AR Art Installation ISMAR’07 (2007). Marc Cavazza and Remi Chaignon. An Emotionally Responsive AR Art Installation ISMAR’07 (2007).
  • ... Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art, edited by J. Funke and S. Riekeles and A. Broeckmann and ... Kusch, Martin and Marie-Claude Poulin. passage- a Hybrid Interactive Installation and Performance In Proceedings of the 16th International...