Archive Search
...Wilson, Stephen. Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2003.
... of the Eye and Visual System, edited by John R. Cronly-Dillon and Richard L. Gregory, 271-283. New York: MacMillan Technical Publishing, 1986.
...Shanken, Edward A.. Art in the Information Age: Technology and Conceptual Art In SIGGRAPH 2001 Electronic Art and Animation Catalog, edited by SIGGRAPH 2001, 8-15. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2001.
...Penny, Simon and Bill Vorn. Bedlam and Other Robotic Art Projects In Subtle Technologies 03, edited by Jim Ruxton and Tania ThompsonUniversity of Toronto, Toronto: 2003.
...Henderson, Linda Dalrymple and Bruce Clarke, ed. From Energy to Information: Representation in Science and Technology, Art, and Literature. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002.
...Shanken, Edward A.. Cybernetics and Art: Cultural Convergence in the 1960s In From Energy to Information: Representation in Science, Technology, Art, and Literature, edited by Linda Dalrymple Henderson and Bruce Clarke, 255-277. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University...
... Agnes. My Autobiographical Media History - Metaphors of Interaction, Communication and Body Using Electronic Media In Women, Art and Technology, edited by Judy MalloyCambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
...Domingues, Diana. The Desert of Passions and the Technological Soul In Digital Creativity, edited by Colin Beardon and Lone Malmborg and Masoud YazdaniVol.9. , 11-18. : Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers, 1998.
... Consciousness Reframed 2002, non-local, non-linear, non-ordinary, edited by John Curtin Gallery and Curtin University of Technology and Perth Biennale of Electronic ArtsPerth: CAiiA-STAR, 2002.
...Brew, Kathy. Through the Looking Glass In Women, Art and Technology, edited by Judy MalloyCambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2003.