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DeGrow, Don. Myron Turner: Autobiography Winnipeg Art Gallery Studio Series , no. 28 (1996): 4 pages.
Madill, Shirley. The Photo-Based Work of Art in the Age of Digital Simulation Blackflash 15, no. 2 (1997): 12-20.
Madill, Shirley. The Photo-Based Work of Art in the Age of Digital Simulation Blackflash 15, no. 2 (1997): 12-20.
Courchesne, Luc. Nouveaux terrains d’apparition In Cinéma. interactivité et société, edited by Jean-Marie DalletPoitiers/Bruxelles: 2013.
Courchesne, Luc. Posture: An experiment in multifold reality In Architecture In Formation, edited by Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa and A. SprecherNew York: Routledge: 2013.
Courchesne, Luc. Art Design and Beyond In Re-thinking the Contemporary Art School, edited by NSCAD PressHalifax: 2009.
ALCALÁ MELLADO, José Ramón. Ser Digital; Manual para náufragos de la cultura electrónica.. Santiago de Chile (Chili): Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile., 2009.