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  • ...Davies, Char. Natural Artifice In Virtual Seminar on the Bioapparatus, edited by Mary Anne MoserBanff, Canada: The Banff Centre for the Arts, ...
  • ...Zapp, Andrea. Private Views - the Role of the Viewer in Networked Digital Models of Narration In De la Pantalla al Arte Transgénico, edited... in Networked Digital Models of Narration In De la Pantalla al Arte Transgénico, edited by Jorge La Ferla, 186-192. Buenos Aires:...
  • ...Zapp, Andrea. Networked Narrative Environments In ACM Siggraph Computer Graphics Conference/Networked Performance: How Does Art Affect... Computer Graphics Conference/Networked Performance: How Does Art Affect Technology and Vice Versa, Los Angeles, CA: 2005.
  • ...Zapp, Andrea. Networked Narrative Environments as Imaginary Spaces of Being. Manchester, Liverpool: Manchester Metropolitan University and... Manchester Metropolitan University and Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, FACT, 2004.
  • ...Albertini, Rosanna. Un art fait de mémoire Esthétique des Arts Médiatiques 2 (1995).
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Schnittflächen der Politik In digital arts edition 2. Dennis Del Favero: Cross Currents, edited by Nikos PapasterigiadisVol.2....
  • ...Aloisi, Sonia. Arte Genetica. Nascono dal caso le piante virtuali Virtual (1993). Aloisi, Sonia. Arte Genetica. Nascono dal caso le piante virtuali Virtual (1993).
  • ...Amine, Patrick. L'Artificial Life Interactif El Guia (1994).
  • ...Ascott, Roy. Art, Technology and Computer Science In XLII Esposizione d´Arte: La Biennale di Venezia, edited by Maurizio Calvesi, 187-188....
  • Entrevista
    ...Ascott, Roy. Entrevista In El Arte en las Redes, edited by J. A. Lleo, 139-146. Madrid: Ediciones Anaya Multimedia S.A., 1997.