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  • Fischer, Hervè, ed. Théorie de l'art sociologique. Paris: Casterman, 1976.
  • Fischer, Hervè. Citoyens-sculpteurs. Paris: Segedo, 1981.
  • Fischer, Hervé. The Digital Shock. Quebec: McGill and Queen's University Press, 2006.
  • ...ARS ELECTRONICA. Project Genesis ARS ELECTRONICA Catalogue (2013).
  • Grau, Oliver. Image Science & MediaArtHistories: New Infrastructures for 21st Century Digital Humanities In Mind and Matter: Comparative Approaches towards Complexity, edited by Günther Friesinger and Johannes Grenzfurthner and Thomas Ballhausen,
  • Grau, Oliver and Jonathan P. Bowen and Kia Ng. Renewing Knowledge Structures for Media Art In EVA London 2010: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, edited by Alan Seal, 286-295. Swindon: British Computer Society, 2010.
  • Grau, Oliver. Living Habitats - Immersive Strategies In Christa Sommerer - Laurent Mignonneau: Interactive Art Research, edited by Gerfried Stocker, 170-175. Wien, New York: Springer Verlag, 2009.
  • Grau, Oliver. Media Art's Challenge for our Societies In The Challenge of the Object: 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art, edited by Ulrich Großmann, 990-994. Nürnberg: Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 2013.
  • Monad-isme
    ...Takita, Jun. Monad-isme Exhibition Catalogue (2011).
  • Leonardo
    Takita, Jun. Leonardo Journal of the international society for the arts, sciences and technology 37, no. 4 (2004).