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McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964.
McRobert, Laurie. Immersive Computer Art and the Making of Consciousness In Reframing Consciousness, edited by Roy Ascott, 32-37. Bristol, Wilmington: Intellect Books, 1999.
McRobert, Laurie. Virtual Reality and the Dynamics of Transcendence Explorations: Journal for Adventurous Thought XV, no. 1 (Fall 1996).
Mirapaul, Matthew. An Intense Dose of Virtual Reality The New York Times Online (July 9th 1998).
Morioka, Yoshitomo. Art Innovation by Media Expansion BT Art Journal 45, no. 678 (November 11th 1993).
Morse, Margaret. Art in Cyberspace: Interacting with Machines as Art at Siggraph´s
"Machine Culture - The Virtual Frontier" Video Networks 17, no. 5 (Oct/Nov 1993). -
Morse, Margaret and Christoph Blase. Fugitive In Hardware Software Artware, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1998.
Morse, Margaret. Virtualities: Television, Media Art and Cyberculture. Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1998.
Naimark, Michael. Whats Wrong with this Picture? Presence and Abstraction in the Age
of Cyberspace edited by Roy AscottlNewport: 1997.