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  • Legrady, George. Pockets Full of Memories In Visual Communication, edited by Theo Van LeeuwenVol.1. , 163-169. London: Sage Publications, 2002.
  • Ishii, Hiroshi and Tangible Media Group. Get in Touch. Tangible Bits: Bridging Digital and Physical In Who´s doing the art of tomorrow? / Wer macht die Kunst von morgen?, edited by Gerfried Stocker and Christine SChöpfNew York, Wien: Springer,
  • Kemp, Martin. The Mona Lisa of Modern Science Nature 421 (January 23th 2003): 416.
  • Allen, Rebecca and Eitan Mendelowitz. Coexistence In CAST01 // Living in Mixed Realities, edited by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang StraussSchloss Birlinghove: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2001.
  • Courchesne, Luc. The Construction of Experience. Turning Spectators into Visitors In New Screen Media. Cinema/Art/Narrative, edited by Martin Rieser and Andrea ZappLondon, Karlsruhe: BFI London and ZKM Karlsruhe, 2002.
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Movies after Film - The Digitally Expanded Cinema In New Screen Media. Cinema/Art/Narrative, edited by Martin Rieser and Andrea Zapp, 268-275. London, UK: ZKM Karlsruhe and BFI London, 2002.
  • Beloff, Zoe. An Ersatz of Life In New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative, edited by Rieser Martin and Andrea ZappLondon: BFI London and ZKM Karlsruhe, 2002.
  • Duguet, Anne-Marie. Déjouer L´image: Creations elecroniques et numériques. Paris: Jaqueline Chambon, 2002.
  • Beloff, Zoe. Deux femmes visionaries Trafic, revue de cinéma 44 (Winter 2002).
  • Manovich, Lev and Andrea Zapp. Computerisation and Film Language In New Screen Media. Cinema/Art/Narrative, edited by Martin RieserLondon, Karlsruhe: BFI London and ZKM Karlsruhe, 2002.