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  • Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. The Trace: Remote Insinuated Presence YLEM (September 1997).
  • Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. Re:Positioning Fear Archis (1998).
  • Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. The Relational Museum In Proceedings of the International Association of Telecommunication Museums, London, UK: 1998.
  • Weibel, Peter. Die Welt von Innen - Endo and Nano. Über die Grenzen des Realen In Ars Electronica 1992: Die Welt von Innen - Endo and Nano, edited by Karl Gerbel and Peter Weibel, 8-12. Linz: Landesverlag Linz, 1992.
  • Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. Utterance 4 - Relational Architecture Performance Research Magazine 4, no. 2 (Summer 1999).
  • Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael and Susie Ramsay. Spain Wide Web Telepolis, Heise online (April 1996).
  • Kac, Eduardo. Aspekte einer Ästhetik der Telekommunikation In Zero - The Art of Being Everywhere, edited by Gerfried StockerGraz, Austria: Steirische Kulturinitiative Graz, 1993.
  • Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development and National Research Council, ed. Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges. Atlanta, USA: The National Academies Press, 1995.
  • Yamaguchi, Yumi. Interactive Art Cape X 6 (December 1996).
  • Stenger, Nicole. Mind is a Leaking Rainbow In Cyberspace: First Steps, edited by Michael L. BenediktCambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1991.