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... Uricchio, ed. "Digital Technologies, Visual Research and the Non-Fiction Image" in...
...Arnheim, Rudolf. Visual Thinking. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.
...Alberto Saraiva. Poesia Visual. f10 th ed.Rio de Janeiro: Oi Futuro e Editora, 2003.
...Kac, Eduardo. On the Notion of Art as a Visual Dialogue In Art-Reseaux, edited by Karen O´Rourke,...
...Ride, Peter. Conjunction of Visual Culture Gallery Saw Net publications and CARTE, UK (July 2004).
...Spalter, Anne Morgan. The Computer in the Visual Arts. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesely Longman Publishing...
...Mirzoeff, Nicholas. An Introduction to Visual Culture. New York: Routledge, 1999.
...ox, Donna. Caricature, Readymades and Metamorphosis: Visual Mathematics in the Context of Art In The...
...Anker. Fundamentally Human: Neuroscience and Visual Art. 1st th ed.Istanbul, Turkey: Pera Museum, 2011.