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...I'm sorry I made you feel that way (2023) by Martina Menegon is an...
.. known for their inimitable poetic language of visualization and sonification of interrelations between humans and nature ..
.. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..
.. interested in the poetry and metaphysics of new technologies. He has created a series of award-winning works that probe the expressive power of new technologies to ask questions about the world ..
.. his artistic development between research in the humanities, multi-sensory engineering and collaborative practice in the fields of digital art and theatre ..
.. explore the potential of the human body to be an audio-visual instrument ..
The two internationally renowned media artists and researchers based in Linz/Austria have been active as an artistic couple since the ‘90s and have especially pioneered in the field of interactive media art and exlporations of artificial life.
George Legrady has exhibited across the world and is widely recognized as one of the early digital artists that researched the semiotic and cultural implications of software-produced images. His work encompasses a wide range of digital experiments
.. an artist, writer and curator, who has worked in the field of Bio Art since the late Nineties ..
kondition pluriel is an interdisciplinary digital performance group based in Montreal and Vienna, formed by Marie-Claude Poulin and Martin Kusch. Since its beginnings in 2000, the collective has focused on exploring the performative possibilities of