
How to search, browse and research the archive

There are several ways to search and browse the archive on ADA. For quick search you can use the search bar on the start page or the search bar that appears on each page at the left upper corner. Each quick search will lead you to the main Archive Search page, where you can continue with a more detailed search or browsing.

Other pages or tools that invite for free or even more playful browsing are the Artist Index, Institution Index or Thesaurus under the dropdown menu "Archive", the Feature articles on the ADA.MAGAZINE page or the research tools Serendipity and Mnemosyne, which you can find under "Tools".

Archive Search


How to filter search results

You can filter your search results by date, genre, events and several categories. However, the categories can be selected either one at once or by activating all. Additionally, the three buttons above the search results can sort the search results by relevance, alphabet, date or category. 

Browse by Artist Index, Institution Index & Thesaurus

Sometimes we don't know exactly what to look for, or we just want to be inspired. ADA offers various ways to browse through the archive and find something unexpected, such as the Artist Index and the Institution Index, as well as the keyword Thesaurus found in the drop-down menu under Archive. These tools can be freely explored in order to find new and unexpected inspirations. 

The indexes are alphabetical search tools for finding artists, scholars, or institutions in the Archive of Digital Art. 

The Thesaurus contains a specific selection of keywords that are used to tag the artwork records. If you click on a keyword in the thesaurus catalogue, all artwork records that have been tagged with the searched keyword will be listed.
On the Thesaurus page you will find more detailed explanation about the development and how it can be used.

New Research Tools

Data visualizations alongside innovative, interlinked semantic and visual analysis tools are the new highlighted features that shed a new light on the vast amount of content that can be found and researched on ADA. All research tools can be found under "Tools", but also are accessible via several other pages on ADA.

…enables image annotation and comparison of image-based resources not only from the ADA database, but also from other online repositories, that support IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) APIs. The viewer is based on Mirador from the IIIF and is enhanced by a number of in-app functions that meet the needs of media art research.

Serendipity…is an immersive tool for viewing image collections in a 3D space. The tool is connected to the ADA database and allows to playfully recombine and arrange image content to find new connections in artistic and scientific contexts.

A more detailed explanation on how it works you find on Github: